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Do not sell my personal information

Do not sell my personal information

The information provided herein is in strict compliance with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA),designed to inform and protect the rights of our website users located within California,United States,as well as any other users to whom the CCPA provisions are applicable(CCPA users).

TeeHub is committed to the ethical handling of personal information and emphasizes that it does not engage in the 'selling' of users’ personal information to third parties under any circumstances.Our interactions with various service providers are structured around the provision of services to TeeHub.These transactions are carefully outlined in our Privacy Policy and are in full alignment with the service provider exception stipulated in the CCPA's 'do-not-sell' provisions.

Furthermore,our Privacy Policy provides a comprehensive overview of the types of cookies and other tracking technologies utilized on our website.It also offers detailed instructions on how users can opt out of such tracking mechanisms,ensuring a level of control over their personal data.

For users who wish to exercise their rights under the CCPA further,TeeHub has laid out a clear process.Depending on your interaction with our platform,you may choose one of the following actions by contacting us via email at [email protected]

For users without a TeeHub account: Request the deletion of your personal information from e-marketing lists and survey databases,ensuring your data is not used for marketing purposes without your consent.

For users with a TeeHub account who wish to continue using our services: Opt to maintain your account active while requesting the removal of your personal information from e-marketing lists and survey databases.This action allows you to enjoy our services without receiving unsolicited marketing communications.

For account holders deciding to discontinue using TeeHub's services: Request the deletion of your account along with your personal information from both the account and e-marketing lists and survey databases.This ensures a complete removal of your data from our systems.

Should you have any questions or require further clarification regarding how TeeHub adheres to CCPA regulations,please feel free to reach out to us via email.Our dedicated team is ready to provide the necessary support and address any concerns you may have about your personal information and privacy rights.